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Cryolipolysis - Non-surgical Fat Reduction

Say Goodbye to Your Trouble Zones with Cryo-lipolysis

Cryo-lipolysis is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperatures to reduce or kill fat cells in certain areas of the body. Cool sculpting for the abdomen reduces stubborn fat that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise alone. It is a quick and effective treatment that can reduce up to 25% of treated fat in just 35 minutes with no downtime required afterwards.

before after cryolipolysis

How does Cryolipolysis work?

Cryo-lipolysis works by cooling the fat cells below their freezing point. This causes them to crystallize, and eventually die off. The dead fat cells are then naturally broken down and flushed out of the body through the lymphatic system. It is a safe and effective way to reduce stubborn areas of fat without having to resort to surgery.

  • Why freeze your fat?

    Clinical studies have shown that fat freezing can effectively reduce subcutaneous fats by 25% after one session. The effectiveness of the treatment appeals to clients who are looking to reduce body fats and want significant results in the shortest amount of time.

  • What happens when you freeze your fat?

    The procedure freezes and kills fat cells in the part of your body that you're having treated. Within a few weeks of treatment, your body breaks down these dead fat cells and flushes them out through your lymphatic system. 

  • Is there any pain or discomfort?

    Cryolipolysis involves minimal discomfort if any. During the procedure, you may feel a mild tingling or pinching sensation. The treated area will be numbed once it reaches the temperature that is required to freeze fat cells. 

  • How long does the procedure take?

    Once you come in you will receive a free consultation with our specialists which will take about 15 minutes. The procedure itself will take about 35 minutes.

  • How many sessions will I need to see results?

    Every person's cool sculpting treatment plan is individually customized to meet their specific goals. While some Will require only one treatment to see results while some will need maybe two or more. it all depends on the volume of fat in a certain area.


  • Fat Reduction

    Cryo-lipolysis is able to reduce fat in certain areas of the body by up to 25% with just one treatment, making it an ideal option for those looking to reduce stubborn fat without surgery. 

  • Cell Death

    The cold temperatures used during Cryo-lipolysis cause the fat cells to crystallize and eventually die off, which is then naturally broken down and flushed out of the body through the lymphatic system. 

  • Minimal Downtime

    Since Cryo-lipolysis is a non-surgical procedure there is minimal downtime required afterwards allowing you to return to your regular activities right away. 

  • Long-Lasting Results

    Results from Cryo-lipolysis can last up to two years when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine. 

  • Safe and Effective

    Cryo-lipolysis is a safe and effective option for those looking to reduce stubborn fat without surgery. It is also relatively quick with minimal downtime required afterwards. 

cryolipolysis before after
cryolipolysis before after treatment


  • Preparation

    Before the procedure, your esthetician will examine the area to be treated and discuss any potential risks or side effects associated with Cryo-lipolysis. 

  • Applying Treatment

    During the procedure, your specialist will place a cooling device at the targeted fat area for up to 35 minutes. The cold temperatures used during Cryo-lipolysis cause the fat cells to crystallize and eventually die off. 

  • Cleansing & Massage

    After the treatment is finished, your esthetician may apply a cleansing solution in order to remove any dead skin cells left behind from the treatment as well as massage the treated area in order to help break down the fat cells further.  

  • Recovery

    After the procedure, you can expect to experience some temporary redness and tingling in the treated area which should subside within a few days. Additionally, there is no downtime required afterwards allowing you to return to your normal activities right away. 

  • Results

    You will see a noticeable reduction in fat after just one session with optimal results achieved within 2-3 months following treatment. Results from Cryo-lipolysis can last up to two years when combined with diet and exercise. However, maintenance treatments may be needed if desired results are not maintained over time.  Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy lifestyle habits in order to keep results looking their best. 

Other Services

At Art Body Spa, we offer a wide variety of services that can help you look and feel your best. From cryolipolysis to laser hair removal, our skilled technicians use the latest technologies for complete body treatments. We also offer Crio Laser Sculpsure, Thermage, HIFU 9D pro and Endoroller, and Ultrasonic Cavitation RF for facial treatments. All our services are designed to help you achieve the look you have always been dreaming of.


We also offer Thermage - Skin Tightening Treatments

What sets us apart is our ability to offer the latest in skin care and beauty treatments, such as Thermage. This cutting-edge technology uses radio frequency energy to help reduce wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. With this powerful treatment, you will see results with just one session!

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